Skills to Be a Grown-up!

Many skills are not taught in school. Here you will find lessons.

How to Have a Good CONVERSATION.. Be interested in other people.

Tips to Improve Your CRITICAL THINKING. Learn how to make better decisions.

How to Handle MONEY. Learn to budget. High school and older.

How to teach kids about LOVE Friendly love through Romance. Parent Toolkit.

Learn how US GOVERNMENT works. Basics to explain the three branches of government.

How to Survive Time without Certain Technology. Here is a study.

Home Repair. Homeowner’s Insurance.

Car Repair. Car Insurance.

Personal Credit and Credit Cards

Beginners Cooking: Hard-boiled Eggs, Oatmeal, Hot Dogs, Chili, Inside-Out Burritos, Hamburgers, Burritos, Grilled Cheese

The Bible: Christianity What do Christians Believe , Choose a Bible, What Christians SHOULDN’T say.

Basic Good Manners, 25 points of Etiquette, Basic Table Etiquette, 7 SImple Etiquette Rules, Gym Etiquette

Guns: Gun Shops Don’ts, What to do after a shooting, WHEN is deadly force necessary?

Learn various methods to declutter your space in HOW TO DECLUTTER YOUR HOME!

Take care of your teeth. Find a dentist.

12-Steps AA Program

How Long Does it Take to Sober Up