California Mathematics Project

California Math Project aka CPM is the best curriculum for mathematics.  I have viewed many textbooks as a Mathematics Consultant and many borrow from the idea of this program but not able to create anything near as great. This project began in 1982 and is written by teachers for teachers. Students learn WHY they learn the mathematics and how it pertains to life. It’s answers the age old question of when am I ever going to use this.  If students don’t see the point of learning the math, they only memorize to pass a test.

I hear pros and cons to this project. I was an avid user of this curriculum and know how and why it works. Teachers that choose not to use it are either weak in their own math skills or aren’t properly trained to use the program.  This is what is best for students and teachers need to

You cannot pick and choose what to use in the pages, you must follow the order of how it is written for it to work.

I would love to see mathematics taught across the country in this fashion. I was blessed to have had the opportunity to utilize it and know that my students were better off for having the opportunity to learn this way.

The California Mathematics Project (CMP) is a K-16 network dedicated to providing students a rich, rigorous, and coherent mathematics curriculum taught by competent and confident mathematics teachers who foster ALL students’ proficiency in mathematics—achieving equity in quality. CMP enhances teachers’ mathematical content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge that is aligned to the California Mathematics Standards and Framework. ALL teachers and students become competent mathematical thinkers as they investigate, conjecture, and justify.



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